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Alt av metallmaskiner | Feirer 22 år! | Leverer i hele Norge

Lightning laser marker class 4 Colchester


Ikke på lager, bestillingsvare. 102-1127
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Lightning laser marker class 4 Colchester  

The Lightning I (Integrated) is a Class 4 laser marking system designed for both open environments and seamless integration into production lines. Its versatile design allows you to mount Lightning to a toolpost, making it perfect for marking applications that demand open space and flexibility.

  • MOPA fiber laser source provides high-quality and effortless marking 
  • 15 selectable pulse durations means that Lightning can mark a wider range of metal and plastics than a basic q-switched fiber laser system 
  • Lightning’s easy setup and maintenance enables excellent ease of use for the operator 
  • A RAL (Red Aiming Laser) allows you to accurately position the part before starting the marking process 
  • Programmable Z axis removes the need for focus finding, simply input the part height and let the software do the rest (Lightning Class 1 only) 
  • EZCAD user-friendly software allows the operator to create text or image-based graphics and fine tune in real-time 
  • Optional extras include larger marking fields, higher wattage laser sources, rotary devices for radial marking and fume extraction



Type Class 4
Marking field (mm) 100 x 100 (165 x 165 option)
Laser type MOPA fibre
Laser power (W) 20
Control USB type B
Mains input (V) 110-240

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  • All products from Colchester, Harrison, Pratt Burnerd, Clausing and Gamet are designed and manufactured to exceed the highest international quality and safety standards
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  • Experienced, factory trained engineers and support staff offering speedy response to your needs
  • Backed up by over £4 million of genuine manufactured spare parts
  • The number one choice for industry and education globally
