CNC Programming for Mill Turn has never been this easy!
Mill Turn is a complete multi-tasking CAD-CAM software that combines all of the powerful CNC programming functionality of both Milling and Turning into a single streamlined machining solution. BobCAD-CAM’s multi-tasking CNC software delivers high-performance features in an easy to use interface, designed to meet the complex programming demands of Mill Turn machining.
Spend more time running parts and less time programming with BobCAD’s Mill Turn CNC software for Live Tooling lathes that use C-axis. Use your main or sub spindle, upper or lower turret, part catcher, tails stock, Y-axis and more with our standard Mill Turn package. BobCAD’s simple wizard-driven interface makes programming quicker and easier. 5-axis turning centers that use a B-axis ( Milling head ) are fully supported, allowing for complex multi-tasking machines with up to 10 turrets and 10 spindles. BobCAD-CAM gives you the control to easily program intricate features and compound angles found on parts for medical, aerospace, oil & gas, automotive, consumer products and many more.

LTS Maskin AS er hovedleverandør av BobCAD-CAM software i Skandinavia!
BobCAD-CAM Corporate har levert CAD / CAM-programvare i 30 år til bedrifter over hele verden. Mer enn 150 000 lisenser av BobCAD-CAM er i bruk over hele verden. De leverer CAD-CAM software for:
• 2, 3, 4 og 5-akse CNC fresing og maskineringssenter
• CNC-routere
• Vannskjæring-, plasma- og lasermaskiner
• CNC dreiebenker med 2 akser.
I tillegg til moduler for preging / gravering, nesting og bearbeiding simulering.
BobCAD-CAM integrerer CAD og CAM-funksjonalitet i et enkelt, brukervennlig grensesnitt, noe som sikrer en jevn overgang fra design til verktøylinjeprogrammering.BobCAD-CAM er kraftig, enkel å bruke og konkurransedyktige priser.