BobCAD-CAM CNC programming solutions for CNC routers delivers efficient 2.5, 3, 4, and 5 axis machining capabilities that takes advantage of your CNC router’s ability to perform simple and advanced machining operations. This easy to use CAD-CAM programming software is a complete design and CNC programming solution for artistic woodworking, engraving, production shape nesting, sign making, and much more.
Router Features
Use CAD-CAM for CNC router software to seamlessly transition from designing your 2D and 3D models to assigning advanced high-speed toolpath strategies in the fully integrated and associative CAM software. A wizard guiding interface for CNC router operations takes the guesswork out of CNC programming while Dynamic Machining Strategies™ reduces programming time by allowing you to assign multiple cutting strategies to a single feature. Advanced simulation features allow you to visually inspect and confirm your work to give you the peace of mind in your CNC programming.

LTS Maskin AS er hovedleverandør av BobCAD-CAM software i Skandinavia!
BobCAD-CAM Corporate har levert CAD / CAM-programvare i 30 år til bedrifter over hele verden. Mer enn 150 000 lisenser av BobCAD-CAM er i bruk over hele verden. De leverer CAD-CAM software for:
• 2, 3, 4 og 5-akse CNC fresing og maskineringssenter
• CNC-routere
• Vannskjæring-, plasma- og lasermaskiner
• CNC dreiebenker med 2 akser.
I tillegg til moduler for preging / gravering, nesting og bearbeiding simulering.
BobCAD-CAM integrerer CAD og CAM-funksjonalitet i et enkelt, brukervennlig grensesnitt, noe som sikrer en jevn overgang fra design til verktøylinjeprogrammering.BobCAD-CAM er kraftig, enkel å bruke og konkurransedyktige priser.