Wire EDM
– is a complete wireframe, surface and solid modeling CAD-CAM system that delivers ultra precision cuts with superiors finishes in an easy to use CNC programming software. It allows you to create and import part models, assign wirepath strategies, simulate and generate g-code specific to your wire machine and controller. With an intuitive workflow, BobCAD makes it easy to program precision cuts for all of your tight tolerance part manufacturing. Delivering results that are consistent with the strict cutting requirements of mold making and tool & die industries.
Quickly and easily program your intricate part shapes with constant tapers, variable tapers, lands areas, sharp or radius corners using 2 and 4 axis toolpath. Use of open, closed, inside or outside cutting features defined by its wizard driven CAM technology. This powerful software allows uses customize skim passes, independent lead-ins & lead-outs, glue stops, cutting conditions and 4 axis synchronization. A complete wire EDM programming solution that works with Mitsubishi, Japax, Brother, Fanuc, Sodick and other CNC Wire EDM machines.

LTS Maskin AS er hovedleverandør av BobCAD-CAM software i Skandinavia!
BobCAD-CAM Corporate har levert CAD / CAM-programvare i 30 år til bedrifter over hele verden. Mer enn 150 000 lisenser av BobCAD-CAM er i bruk over hele verden. De leverer CAD-CAM software for:
• 2, 3, 4 og 5-akse CNC fresing og maskineringssenter
• CNC-routere
• Vannskjæring-, plasma- og lasermaskiner
• CNC dreiebenker med 2 akser.
I tillegg til moduler for preging / gravering, nesting og bearbeiding simulering.
BobCAD-CAM integrerer CAD og CAM-funksjonalitet i et enkelt, brukervennlig grensesnitt, noe som sikrer en jevn overgang fra design til verktøylinjeprogrammering.BobCAD-CAM er kraftig, enkel å bruke og konkurransedyktige priser.